Thursday, March 26, 2009

Last night I was called a Socialist

This is a true story. I will not use names to protect those involved. The title pretty much sums it all up. During a rather heated debate on education and educational reform last night I was called a socialist. This was in the context of an educational debate with a professional educational reformer. My intended goal today was to write about how understanding current research in the field of education specifically and across many other domains is of central importance to understanding the true complexities facing education in and across formal and informal contexts. Instead I want to pose a question that I believe is of central importance to communication between the wide range of constituents involved in the wide world of education. This question is not new however today it seems much more relevant and acid green. How can we (meaning those involved in educational research, education, educational reform and all those constituents to the educational system) make claims that answer the right questions? This is, of course, a reiteration of Greeno's On Claims that Answer the Wrong Questions and subsequently is not a new concept. I am not claiming to be original here. What I am claiming is that there has to be a better way to talk to each other. It is important to understand that I understand that talking across domains can be like walking a tight rope needing to offer a highly coordinated production to balance the knowing that is shared and the knowing that is constructed in the moment. The idea of motivation comes into play as does the goals of those involved. It is hard work to communicate and a herculean task to do it well. I however was not engaged in a conversation across a sea of difference but with a professional educational reformer who was highly educated and currently extremely active in and within the same context.
I was metaphorically and quite literally speaking a different language. There should have been someone in the middle of this conversation offering a fluid translation between what I was saying and what he was saying... Do these people even exist? If they do they have no idea how valuable they are. We live in a world where our ideas are not solitary things they are public. They are born in the public domain and that is where they have been sent to grow and change. This type of situation makes it ever more important that we understand what is being said. Each term needs to be understood for any semblance of what is actually being said to be what is read and the message that is heard. We need a common language and we need it quickly if what we say today and what we find in research is going to affect anyone beside our own tightly knit communities. We need people at the boundaries to clarify and advocate and to most importantly ensure that these boundaries stay permeable and fluid and do not become armaments barring the ability for good solid research to affect the beliefs of those working for educational reform. These are the people who are already positioned to bring change and it is important when looking at issues of communication to look beyond communication solely within academia to those people positioned in education and educational reform itself.

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